Thursday, January 22, 2009

5 Month Update!

Can you believe Brandon is already 5 months old!!! It just blows my mind how quickly the time is passing! A lot seems to have happened since the last update, so here is all the new stuff.
Brandon did start eating baby food (he's wearing Katelyn's bib in the picture), and did have to try sweet peas, but he didn't like them at all! I think he threw them up 3 out of the 4 or 5 times he had them! But around the time he started trying the peas he was getting sick, so I don't know if he truly didn't like them, or if he just had an upset tummy from being sick. He will have to try them again, but maybe not for another week or so. :-) No picky eaters, remember?
Over this past weekend, Brandon was unusually fussy and ended up running a fever on Sunday. He had a horrible cough, was congested, couldn't keep much of his food down and was very irritable. We discovered his first tooth on Sunday afternoon so attributed all of his symptoms to cutting teeth. After a rough night Sunday night, and him not being any better Monday morning, I took him to the doctor. Come to find out he had an infected left ear, and an irritated right ear. He was wheezing, so the doctor checked his oxygen levels which were kind of low. We did a breathing treatment there and were then sent home with an inhaler, a steroid and an antibiotic for him to take. Did I mention the fat piggy was 15 lbs, 13 oz?
He seemed a good bit better on Tuesday so we continued everything as normal. However, yesterday he was having what seemed to me like a very hard time breathing. He was coughing his little head off, and just sounded awful so we went back to the doctor. They checked his oxygen levels again, and did another breathing treatment. The one infected ear looked better, but now the irritated ear looked worse. So this time we were sent home with a nebulizer machine in order to do breathing treatments at home, as well as a stronger antibiotic for him. Did I mention that this time he weighed in at 16 lbs?!?!
Today he seems to have improved, or at least for the few minutes I was with him this morning he sounded better. I was actually surprised that through all of this he was never "bad". He was very fussy on Sunday, but once I found out all the things that were wrong with him, I can't blame him for being grumpy! I don't know if any of the problems were a result of him cutting teeth, but if this is as bad as it gets, I think I can handle it.
Hopefully I will have more pictures soon. I have taken a few but haven't put them on the computer yet in order to post them here. I guess I need to since he is changing just about every day. He is Mr. Social and loves when people pay attention to him. He has turned into a relatively happy baby, and we are loving every minute of it! Check back soon for more updates, and hopefully more pictures. Take care!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Just a Little Update

Good morning!! I don't really have any new pictures, but just wanted to check in. Brandon is growing like crazy, and is really starting to develop his own little personality. He has changed so much from when he was first born, and some of the changes I am so thankful for while others almost make me a little sad. The good changes are that he is such a happy baby now! I used to say that he was my crying, whiny baby, but he's actually turned out to have a very happy and content disposition. On the flip side, he is very stubborn and knows what he wants and if you don't give it to him he will let you know that's he mad! For instance, he used to want to be held or rocked to sleep. Now if the kid is tired, he wants to be put down. He doesn't like to be held when he's tired and some days that makes me sad. :( Part of me actually misses having to rock him to sleep.
He's also started eating baby food now, and we are going to do a good bit of experimenting. I am determined to make him a good eater; I can't deal with 3 picky eaters in the house! So far he's had bananas, sweet potatoes, and applesauce. He doesn't care too much for the bananas for some reason, but he can sure chow down on sweet potatoes and applesauce! I think tonight we'll try for a green vegetable and see how he does. Should be interesting to say the least!
I guess that's about it for now. He's still rolling around like crazy and completely changes positions during the night. I can put him in his bed, on his back and facing a certain direction, and by the morning he will be turned completely around and on his tummy! But as long as he's sleeping all night, I'm not complaining! Hopefully I will take some more pictures soon; I need to recover from all the ones taken over Christmas though. Check back soon and maybe I'll have something new posted. Take care!