Friday, October 17, 2008

8 Weeks Old!

Brandon was 8 weeks old yesterday and is growing SO fast! I had to go back to work 2 weeks ago, so we've had to adjust our routine, but Brandon has adapted well and is now sleeping through the night, with almost no problem. He doesn't enjoy waking up so early in the morning (he's like his Mommy) but he makes up for it by sleeping until almost noon after he eats breakfast. :)

He had his first trip to the fair a couple of weekends ago and had a great time. He was only able to ride one ride this year, but it was a boring one so I think he slept through it. He's going to an air show tomorrow and to watch Ben drive a racecar, so maybe those things will hold his interest a little more than the carousel did.

It amazes me just how much he grows and changes on a daily basis. Each day he seems to be a little stronger, or a little more alert to things going on around him. He's even discovered the "other" baby in the mirror and will carry on a conversation with him. He's also able to follow motions a little better, so the dogs are finally interesting to him...Most of the time anyway. And Russell definitely can hold his attention for a few minutes, because Lord knows he's ALWAYS in motion!

Brandon goes back to the doctor next Friday, and I would imagine he probably weighs close to 12 pounds if not more. But I have to admit that it's not just milk that he's getting his nutrition from...He LOVES chocolate icing as well! Maybe I should've avoided all the chocolate foods while I was pregnant! But he's also had a little mashed potatoes and gravy, so it's not all been junk food.

The holidays are right around the corner, so stay tuned for more pictures and more updates. Take care!