Brandon is now almost 6 weeks old, and I am doing things a little backwards...When I originally uploaded pictures, I didn't have very many to pick from because of technical difficulties with my camera. That is all straightened out now, so here are a few pictures of Brandon when he was first born. I guess I should've known that I would have another loud child! :)
He had to go for his 1 month check-up last week, and is proving to be a very healthy child. Brandon now weighs 10 lbs 8 oz, and is 21 3/4 inches long!!! He jumped from the 50th % to the 75th % in weight in just 4 weeks! I hope his weight gain is a sign that he will be a good eater in the future; Lord knows he's a little piggy now!!
He is starting to become more social and is smiling like crazy at everyone! He's beginning to be able to follow things with his eyes, and his hands are the objects of choice at this moment. He loves when his big brother plays with him, and Russell will even let Brandon hang out with him, as long as he's not crying. :) He's beginning to "talk" a little, but mostly to his mobile or to his swing. He's "talked" to me a few times, but mainly to grumble about how much he doesn't want to take a nap. The differences in the two boys as babies is crazy; Russell was my easy baby and would just kind of do whatever. There are very few times that I remember him crying for no reason. Brandon on the other hand will cry just because. He is my needy baby and seems to always need to be played with or held or rocked to sleep or fed...That has proven to be difficult to deal with these last few weeks. He fights going to sleep like crazy and gets so mad when he gets tired. If he will be still for 2 minutes he goes to sleep, but getting him still and quiet is the problem! :)
That's about it for now; I will try to do better about posting pictures because I know there are many of you who do not get to see Brandon very often. Unfortunately though, it is true that you don't take as many pictures of the 2nd baby as you did the first. That's the problem I'm running into right now!! Check back soon and hopefully I will have updated the blog again. Take care!
3 Weeks Old Already!
It has been brought to my attention that I have not done a very good job of updating this blog or posting pictures and for that I apologize. I guess I forgot how much time an infant takes up and how tiring it can be to take care of one. And an active 4-year old doesn't help the situation!Brandon is 3 weeks old today, and I already can not believe how quickly the time has gone by and how much he's grown! He went for his first doctor visit on August 26th, and had already gained 7 oz. since the day we left the hospital! At the visit he weighed 7 lb. 12 oz. so there were no concerns about whether or not he was getting enough to eat! :) He is actually doing very well with eating and sleeping at night. His schedule is almost like clockwork in that he eats about every three hours, which usually works out to only one midnight feeding. And then he's usually up again about the time Russell has to get ready for school, so its not so bad. Speaking of Russell, he is doing Great as a big brother! He loves helping (most of the time), whether it's feeding Brandon, playing with him, helping Dad build things for him, or just hanging out. He tends to get a little jealous when we have company over, but it's just a hyper jealous and not a mean jealous. I can handle the hyperness and if that's as bad as it gets, I'm not going to complain. We are all doing great now that we're home and in some sort of routine. I think Brandon and Russell are both sick of me taking pictures but that's just what I do. They better get used to it! Brandon goes back for his 1 month check up on September 22nd, so I'm excited to see how much he's grown again. He already seems so big to me so I'm interested to know exact details. I'll update you then!