Friday, February 22, 2008

This isn't much of an update, just a correction to the last post. My next doctor visit has been changed to March 3rd because Ben and I will be on a cruise the week that the original appointment was scheduled. As far as I know the baby is still doing well; my only complaint now is that even though I am able to eat pretty much everything, it all seems to not be what the baby wants (unless it's the junk that I'm supposed to limit)! I guess I'm going to have yet another picky eater on my hands whether I like it or not!
I've checked the pregnancy calendar and it says that for 14 weeks, which is how far along I will be as of tomorrow, the baby is about 3 1/2 inches long and weighs a little more than one ounce. It's crazy to think that I'll be able to start feeling movements within the next couple of weeks, especially knowing that right now the Blob is so tiny!! I guess everyone becomes a pest at an early age, huh? :)
Anyway, I just wanted to drop in and say hi. I've uploaded the pictures to my computer, which is one step closer to getting them on this blog, so hopefully I can get those posted before we go on vacation. After vacation I'll be sure to put up pictures of The Blob swimming with stingrays, deep sea fishing, and doing a little snorkeling and sun bathing. Oh the life, right!!
Take care and check back soon for more information!!!


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